Wednesday 5 January 2011

Welcome to Me.

Sooooo I have decided to give blogging a go (again) it's not the first time but I am going to put lots of effort towards keeping it going.

I live in England, I am a young single mum to my two children and have been single for a while now - I love it!! Obviously meeting someone eventually would be great, but I am in no rush and not prepared to compromise or settle for just anyone. When I was first single I ended up in a slightly confused and complicated weird relationship that wasn't a relationship and that really knocked my confidence. I don't get why men (or indeed women) feel the need to treat people like something they can pick up and drop at will. But I have bounced back nicely from that :) Being positive and self confident is something I am always working on!

So my eating disorder. It's something thats definitely been around a while in different forms. I used to over eat and comfort eat, I still get the urge to binge pretty strong sometimes but I have become better at resisting it. Now I would say I have settled into the EDNOS catagory. My BMI is in the healthy range and I have lots of little "rules" about eating that make up my day. Every day is a struggle to maintain control and I have food on my mind most of the time, at the moment it is affecting my studying. I can't seem to concentrate. So I hope that my blog with be a good outlet for my feelings leaving me able to get back to concentrating on work.

Todays weigh in: 123.2 (down from 125.6 yesterday :D ) BMI 19.88

Will update calorie in take later. Am also participating in an awesome challenge at proanaonline which is helping me stay focused!!

1 comment:

  1. well welcome to blogger again lol
    its good that u enjoy being single and i bet ur kids are gorg
    stay stron ghun
